Upcoming conferences

Honduras 2024

Next Conference!
From November 7th to 10th, 2024

Perú 2025

Next conference!
We will have more information soon...

Dinner and reunion in Nashville

We want to thank everyone who joined and was part of the Anniversary Meeting for the 20 years of Músico a Músico. It was a very special occasion, where we could celebrate together the fruit of this project, which is driven by the purpose of serving and worshiping God with excellence.

Thank you for being part of this great family that is Músico a Músico. Thank you for believing in our mission and vision. Thank you for making it possible for music to be a universal language that unites, inspires, and transforms. We hope you enjoyed the Anniversary Meeting as much as we did.


In our workshops, over the years, we have offered masterful and inspiring classes for the comprehensive training of worshipers. Adapting to different levels and locations where we hold our conferences.

Singing and Vocal Technique

By optimizing your vocal technique, you will achieve amazing results. You will reduce tension and develop greater vocal endurance.

Acoustic and Electric Guitar

In our guitar lessons, we will teach you both basic and advanced techniques for both acoustic and electric guitar.


Music Theory, Ministerial Workshops, Theology of Worship and Music, Bass, Drums and Percussion, Keyboards, Piano, DAWs and Sequencing.

Upcoming conferences

  • November 2023 – Nashville “Evening Celebration”
  • March 2024 – “Congress in Aruba”
  • July 2024 – “Brazil – São Paulo”
  • January 2025 – “Lima, Peru”

These are just a few examples of the locations where we have held our workshops and events

Conference London

Conference Nashville

Conference Chile

Conference Venezuela

Conference Aruba

Conference Lima – Perú

Conference Rcia – Arg.

Conference Sáenz Peña –  Arg.